This is the Official web blog of Ontario County Unit #7850. We represent over 525 members working throughout Ontario County New York.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Americans Already Know How to Fix This Economy
It sometimes feels like the economic odds are insurmountable for the average American family. The recovery doesn't seem to be coming fast enough. The wealthiest few are getting richer while most Americans' wages are actually declining. How do we move forward? Rebuilding the middle class is a pretty big order.
Luckily, we already have the tools to do it, and an American public ready to take the steps necessary. When times are tough, unions have always been the path to improving incomes and building a better life for working families, and today is no exception. That was confirmed in a recent poll from Gallup, which shows that Americans are once again looking to unions as a solution to our broken economy.
The financial crisis and recession led to a nationwide loss of faith in the CEOs and wealthy investors who had been driving the economy. Americans are calling for a more balanced economy, where the super-rich aren't calling all the shots. Since 2008, the public approval of unions has climbed 10 points, to nearly 60 percent. And a plurality -- 37 percent -- believe that unions ought to have more influence than they do now.
Women, people of color and people under the age of 35 have the most positive views of unions. These are some of the groups that face the most inequality in this economy, and they're the same groups that benefit most from having a union. Black women who belong to unions earn 34 percent more than their nonunion counterparts, and Latina women make 46 percent more.
While more and more Americans have positive feelings about unions, fewer people actually belong to a union. That means there are millions of workers in this country who are still waiting for the better wages, increased flexibility, and improved quality of life that come with union membership. In fact, when workers are allowed to form strong unions and negotiate for better conditions, our entire economy benefits.
Unfortunately, things are getting harder for workers who want to organize. Many states have passed so-called "right-to-work" laws that do nothing but make it harder to form a union. Others have limited collective bargaining rights. Many of the current presidential candidates are avowedly anti-union. And next year, the U.S. Supreme Court will take on a case called Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, which could harm public service workers and the communities they serve even more.
But if trends in public opinion continue, the union-busting politicians are in for some serious trouble. The 2016 electorate will be the most diverse in history, and those women and young voters will be wielding a big influence. They're looking for candidates whose policies can give working families a place at the table again.
Middle-class families deserve a voice and they deserve a fair shake in our economy. We can't do that unless we have the means to speak up for ourselves and each other, and to do that we need strong unions. It's just common sense, and the American people know it.
Lee A. Sanders President, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO
Follow Lee A. Saunders on Twitter:
Saturday, October 17, 2015
This Week in Albany
Pension Buyback Bill for Veterans Delivered to Governor – Act Now
Current law allows public employees who served during specified conflicts to be eligible for pension credit for their military service. One of CSEA’s priority bills would remove all existing requirements that military service be performed during specific hostilities to allow all active duty veterans to purchase up to three years of pension credit for their service. The bill, A.8174A – Paulin / S.5937 – Larkin, passed both houses of the legislature and has now been sent to the Governor.
Governor Cuomo vetoed this legislation last year, and we need your help to make sure that doesn’t happen again.
Call the Governor at 1-877-255-9417 and ask him to sign this bill to ensure that the men and women who risked their lives serving our country receive this benefit in recognition of their service.
Honor Our Veterans
NYS veterans deserve support and recognition for their service. Sign the petition to Gov. Cuomo today asking him to do the right and honor all veterans’ military service!. CLICK HERE
No Social Security COLA in 2016
For the third time since 2010, Social Security recipients will not receive a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) in 2016. COLA adjustments are based on inflation, which has been low over the past year thanks in large part to a decline in gasoline prices.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
November 4, 2015
Club 86 - 86 Avenue E, Geneva, NY
Hors d'oeuvres at 5:30p.m.
Dinner at 6:00p.m.
You must RSVP to your unit president by October 28th
Gift cards will be handed out after dinner by you unit president
There will be a basket raffle and a 50/50 raffle
This Week in Albany
Hunger Games Plans Are In
The seven regions competing in the Hunger Games-style Upstate Revitalization competition submitted their plans to the state this week. Under the program, three regions will each receive $500 million in economic development funding over the next five years, while the other four regions receive nothing. The winners of the competition will be announced this fall.
The regions eligible for the competition are the Mid-Hudson, Capital Region, Mohawk Valley, Central New York, North Country, Southern Tier and Finger Lakes regions.
Deal Reached on TPP
The United States and 11 Pacific Rim nations have reached a deal on the massive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement that will impact 40% of the world economy. CSEA has long opposed the deal, known as “NAFTA on Steroids,” because of weak labor protections that will make it much easier to outsource jobs overseas.
The deal must now be approved by Congress, which may only take an up-or-down vote after approving Fast-Track authority for the measure.
Confusion Within House GOP
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-California), the favorite to replace John Boehner as speaker, abruptly withdrew from the race this week. The House’s “Freedom Caucus,” a group of roughly 40 ultra conservative members, influenced Mr. McCarthy’s decision to drop out by announcing their support of one of his opponents, Rep. Daniel Webster (R-Florida).
Speaker Boehner decided to postpone the vote while efforts are made to reach a consensus within the fractious Republican caucus. It is unclear if any additional candidates will emerge.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
I just wanted to let everyone know that the contract
vote passed overwhelmingly. Our Unit members have spoken!
Your Union Leadership Team will now work with the County to come up
with an accurate final contract to distribute to all CSEA members. Please help
pass the word.
- Steve
Monday, October 5, 2015
REMINDER: Ballots will be picked up today in Rochester and counted by members not on the negotiating team at 3019 Complex Drive at 5:30pm.
ALL CSEA Members are welcome to observe the vote count.
Week in Albany
October 5 , 2015
Cuomo Wants to Hold Funding Flat Again
After years of cuts and artificially
restrained budget growth for state agencies, Governor Cuomo is again asking
agencies to propose zero-growth budgets for the 2016-17 fiscal year.
Instead of disparaging state workers (and all public employees) and the
services they provide, the Governor should actually be managing the state
workforce and looking at the needs of agencies. The State’s over-reliance on
temporary, per diem, and part-time workers has reached a critical mass, all
while overtime is on pace to reach an all-time high this year. Services are
suffering because employees can no longer do more with less.
Our state should be investing in the services
our communities depend on instead of bleeding them dry year after year. CSEA is
prepared to fight to ensure that state agencies get the resources they need and
The deadline to register to vote in the November
3 General Election is next Friday, October 9.
Please visit our website to
see the list of CSEA-endorsed candidates.
Federal Shutdown Avoided
Last week, Congress avoided a federal
government shutdown by approving temporary spending legislation on the last day
of the fiscal year. Despite efforts by House Republicans to force a shutdown if
Planned Parenthood wasn’t defunded, the government will be funded through December
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
REMINDER: Get your ballots in the mail by midnight 9/30/15
Everyone should have received a contract ballot by now. If not, please call Steve Healy (585) 831-1335 immediately. All ballots MUST be postmarked by midnight September 30th.
All votes will remain at the Rochester office for safe keeping until votes are picked up.
All votes will remain at the Rochester office for safe keeping until votes are picked up.
DATE TO REMEMBER: October 5th- Ballots will be picked up in Rochester and counted by members not on the negotiating team at 3019 Complex Drive at 5:30pm. ALL CSEA Members are welcome to observe the vote count.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
News bits and bites
We are had a well attended Contract Ratification
Information Meeting on Wednesday September 16th. There were many good questions and a lively discussion. A big thank you goes out to Mike Nowak the BCBS Labor Representative for attending. If you still have any questions on the Tentative Agreement please give Unit President Steve Healy a call @ 585-831-1335.
Ballots have been sent via U.S. Mail to each CSEA member. Please vote and return the self addressed stamped envelope ASAP. All ballots must be postmarked by midnight September 30th!!
For more information on voting and the schedule of events: CLICK HERE
Call Congress, Tell Them “Remember 9/11” Should Be More Than A Bumper Sticker: CLICK HERE
In other News:
Information Meeting on Wednesday September 16th. There were many good questions and a lively discussion. A big thank you goes out to Mike Nowak the BCBS Labor Representative for attending. If you still have any questions on the Tentative Agreement please give Unit President Steve Healy a call @ 585-831-1335.
Ballots have been sent via U.S. Mail to each CSEA member. Please vote and return the self addressed stamped envelope ASAP. All ballots must be postmarked by midnight September 30th!!
For more information on voting and the schedule of events: CLICK HERE
Call Congress, Tell Them “Remember 9/11” Should Be More Than A Bumper Sticker: CLICK HERE
In other News:
- Discover an exciting benefit offered by CSEA: CLICK HERE
- Occupational Safety and Health Resources CLICK HERE
- Catholic Archbishop Defends Unions, Criticizes 'Right to Work (for less)' Laws! Read More: CLICK HERE
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Please remember that
we are having a Contract Ratification Information Meeting tonight. This will be
an excellent opportunity for you to review the Tentative Agreement reached
between CSEA and Ontario County. In addition, the Labor Representative from
BC/BS will attend to do a small presentation as well as answer your questions.
This is YOUR contract,
this is YOUR Union. Please make every effort to attend.
MEETING INFORMATION: Wednesday, September 16th@ 5:30pm the informational meeting will be held at 3019 County Complex Drive in Hopewell.
For more information on voting and the schedule of events:
Monday, September 14, 2015
Unit President Steve Healy to Tour Worksites
To help explain the Tentative Agreement
reached between CSEA and Ontario County, Unit President Stephen Healy will be talking with CSEA members throughout the County. Listed below are the scheduled visits as of this morning:
reached between CSEA and Ontario County, Unit President Stephen Healy will be talking with CSEA members throughout the County. Listed below are the scheduled visits as of this morning:
Department Visits
Monday 9/14
4:30 am- Recycling and Landfill
11:00am to 12:30pm- 83 Seneca St.
Tuesday 9/15
8:00am-9:30am -Building 3019
Wednesday 9/16
9:00am-10:00am -20 Ontario Street
10:15am-11:15am-74 Ontario Street
11:30am-11:45- Records and archives
12:00pm-1:30pm- Building 3010
1:45pm-2:45pm- Buildings and Grounds
3:00pm-4:00pm- Highway Department
If you have not received a copy of the Tentative Agreement and/or you have questions on the agreement: Please Call Unit President Steve Healy @ @ 585-831-1335.
For more information on voting and the schedule of events:
Friday, September 4, 2015
Information on YOUR Contract!!
September 16th@ 5:30pm there will be an informational meeting held at 3019 County Complex Drive in Hopewell.
- This will provide an opportunity to address any questions in regards to the tentative agreement prior to voting.
- A BC/BS representative will be there to answer your questions.
Please make every effort to attend!
If you have any questions about the Tentative Agreement, please call your
Unit President Steve Healy @ 585-831-1335.
For more information on voting and the schedule of events:
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Your negotiating team
has successfully reached a tentative agreement with the County. Now the choice is yours!
Here’s the plan:
September 4th- Copy of tentative agreement will be sent in the U.S. Mail to each CSEA
member. Please take the time to read it and prepare questions.
September 16th@
5:30pm there will be an informational
meeting held at 3019 County Complex Drive in Hopewell. This will provide an opportunity to address
any questions in regards to the tentative agreement prior to voting. A BC/BS
representative will be there to answer your questions.
September 17th- Voting ballots will be sent via U.S. mail to each CSEA member with a
self-addressed stamped envelope to send completed ballot to the Rochester CSEA
office. All ballots MUST be postmarked by midnight
September 30th. All votes will remain at the Rochester
office for safe keeping until votes are picked up.
October 5th- Ballots will be picked up in Rochester and counted by members not on
the negotiating team at 3019 Complex Drive at 5:30pm. ALL CSEA Members are
welcome to observe the vote count.
If you have any
questions prior to the informational meeting, please call your Unit President
Steve Healy @ 585-831-1335.
For additional member
information please visit the CSEA Unit 7850 blog at:
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
NOTICE: Mass Mutual 457/401a plan
Ben Sparacino, our Mass Mutual 457/401a plan representative will be in room #204 in the Human Resources Building (3019 County Complex Dr.) on Monday September 14th from 9am to 5pm.
In addition, he will be giving a ½ hour presentation at 12pm that day on the recent stock market volatility.
If you would like to schedule an individual appointment with Ben, please contact him at or (585) 385-0440. You don’t need to schedule to attend the 12pm group presentation.
If you have a question for Ben, he can be reached at:
Ben Sparacino
179 Sully's Trail, Suite 200
Pittsford, NY 14534
Fax 585 381-7346
Friday, August 28, 2015
GOOD NEWS: Your Unit #7850
Negotiation Team has reached a tentative agreement with Ontario County. As you
know, this is only a tentative agreement.
The tentative agreement will now be brought before the entire membership
for a contract ratification vote. The decision is now yours.
In the very near future you will
receive a FULL copy of the signed tentative agreement by and between CSEA and
Ontario County for your review and consideration. You will also receive information on a
contract information meeting as well as detailed instructions on casting your
secret ballot.
Please keep a lookout
for the tentative agreement’s arrival via US mail.
Please check back here often for up dates, meeting notices and other information.
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